Church steeple with ominous clouds

Centre résidentiel et communautaire Jacques-Cartier - Quebec City 

Lone tulip lit by the sun with green grass in dark background.

Tulip - Front Yard

Close up of lone orange-red tulip, dark background.

Tulip - Front  yard

Two orange-red tulips, dark background.

Tulips - Front yard

Single, wilted white tulip, dark background.

Tulip - Front yard

A group of yellow, closed tulips, dark background.

Tulips - Front yard

Purple, open crocuses.

Crocuses - Back yard

Bee with pollen flying by purple crocuses.

Crocuses and Bee - Front yard

Rich, green fern after rainfall.

Fern - Backyard

B+W rough tree bark with smooth wood fence running through it.

Tree - Alleyway

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