Mystery door.

Muskoka, October 2007

Man in foggy field.

Tilden Regional Park, near Berkeley, California

Synchronized performers in Southeast Asian Games.

Southeast Asian Games, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1989

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 1989

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 1989

B+W image of Himeji train station.

Himeji Station, Himeji, Japan , 1989

Squid lights on boat at dawn.

Koyama, Tottori, 1989

Rebel high-school students in uniform (except the shoes) stand in the wind on the Tottori Sand Dunes.

Tottori Sand Dunes, Tottori, Japan, April 1989

Paddles and oars at Arowhon Pines.

Algonquin Park, Ontario

Frozen milk-drop crown.

Manual release of hand held flash in the dark.

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